It has been a sunny Sunday as usual there is always something to do......
I have been busy doing a bit of gardening.....today as there is a sniff of Spring and the garden is starting to sprout into life.....
The alpacas are enjoying the better weather and finding the new grass starting to show.
Now just as a little reminder to myself...I have noticed that Duke has a hell of a kick on him...usually when he is play fighting with Zeto....but I must say I have noticed that he does a really naughty high kick...I have often thought to myself....I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that......
Well tonight .....I found myself...exactly where I didn't want to be !!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes....I was kicked...as I was walking behind him....bringing them in for bed time....that will teach me to get so close....but I just can't help having a little fleece squeeze when the baby boys come in !!!
For my trouble I got a right old kick......I felt the draft off the force.....and he caught me right in a lady place !......(my lady bumps !) to be precise...for those who like the Black Eyed Peas !!
Just to make it that little bit more painful....I had my quad keys in my top pocket of my overall.....and boy did it hurt !!
So that will teach me.......Duke does tend to get a little over excited.....with most things...and coming in for bed....and going out to play is some of them......
At this rate I will need a safety vest, for Duke,...along with a Spit Visor for Minstrel.....a hard hat for tumbling and some extra life insurance.......maybe I should just get a helper......and send them into the dangerous world of Alpacaring !!
I have a busy day tomorrow....I have a bit of a secret job......top secret actually.....I have a mission......
That's all I can say...........
For those who know........it will be exciting....and for those who don't know........
Mums....the word !!