The underway !
Some of the work-force .......nearly finished for the day !
The jobs have started.......we have managed to repair the shelter that got damaged with the heavy snow....last year ! So I will be able to use this now as it has been out of action.
We have started to extend the the jobs are well under way.
The telegraph poles are in their new rightful place......and have been concreted in, tomorrow I'm hoping to fix some of the main structure, after going for the wood.
I have been using Daisy to scrape the ground to level it, before we dug the holes, for the poles.
The weather is supposed to cool down a little, today has been just too muggy.....I have the hay stacked together on the field as it has to stand a while before I bring it into the barn for the winter.....
So the jobs are well under way.....I have received a new sign today for the rear of my trailer........just have to fix it on....sometime.....soon !!