Monday, 21 October 2013

Cheeky Boys !

True to form .... Zonko has his own style of doing things, Couldn't help wondering if he was .... sleep feeding.

Doza is enjoying a chew ... just as well I'm not too house proud !

Doza playing in the garden after the treat, he is growing into a rather big boy.  But very much still a puppy !  He has put on quite allot of condition.  He has a very loud snore which I can hear through out the house.

As we have had such a long dry summer the pond has been virtually empty until now.  After the other day of torrential rain it has started to fill up with water.

It will be lovely to eventually see it full .... all in good time.

And finally .. one of the girls out grazing last week.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Better Late than Never ... Zucco, Zonko & Zymerah

I thought that I had better update the Blog, as I have been otherwise occupied to say the least.
My parents have been staying with me over the summer months and to say I've been slacking would be an under statement !!

Zucco, Zonko !! & Zambo
All my babies are now here, these are the boys.  We ended up with three bouncing boys and one beautiful girl. I think that the pet names are going to stay. 

Little Marquette's baby was named as he is always sleeping !!  and his name just stuck hence 'Zonko'.  Zullulah's baby is a real sweetie, I think she might be Rose Grey but its really hard to say at the moment.  I think her name will be Zymerah.