Friday, 28 March 2014

Intruder in the camp !!

We are still here, I have been pottering about as usual.  We are now just past the 8 year marker since Zanzibah Alpacas first took delivery of our very first alpacas.  Like lots of people venturing into the world of alpacas we started out with a group of pet boys.

However we have grown over the years and now have a herd of over 40 and a pet sheep.... here we have an intruder in the girls paddock.  Norris has decided that he fancied a day out with the girls he usually grazes in the chicken area, where he has a full time job doing the grass cutting.

I had a handsome boy for tea the other afternoon ..... Doza is waiting patiently at the table down in the caravan.

Pharaoh and Phoenix are growing up nicely, they are now about 9 months old.... both have decided to sit on the fence that divided the garden.  You can see that their colours and adult feathers are starting to grow in.

Little Zonko is sneaking up on Norris, what sort of alpaca is that ? 
The grass is slow but at least the ground is drying out, I have not yet weaned the babies which is very late for me.  I intend to do this next week when I manage to sort out the barn.  I have been busy dealing with a jaw abscess and a little accident that Tremona had over a week ago when I found her caught in the fence.  Somehow she had managed to roll into it and get both back legs wrapped over and under each other.  Thankfully I was out doing my checks and spotted her lying stuck.  The alpacas had only been turned out for less than an hour, just goes to show.... you can never be too vigilant.  I had to cut her free.... with the fencing pliers.
I am grateful that I was home and she could only have been stuck for a little while.  I have no doubt that if I hadn't been home I would have found allot worse, she is supposed to be pregnant and quite easily could have lost her baby or even much worse.  It doesn't bear thinking about !!