Thursday, 2 October 2008

Christmas is coming........... I couldn't resist this picture !!

Christmas is coming.......we have just got the winter feed sorted for the Alpacas, and you just got to believe that its only 3 months to on a festive note.

I could not resist sharing this picture with you, I know.....its silly, but you just have to sometimes !!.........Make the most of your fury friends.....we were getting into the Christmas Spirit last year........Have you got your 'Party Hat'. Zanzibah Zaninni has !!


Patou Alpacas said...

Is that snow in the background?
Crikey, how far north are you?


Leader of the mighty Patou

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Yes, it is snow......but that was last year !!!. Im about 50 miles from Coire Alpacas, were in Banff.

I like your blog...makes me laugh, about the shed dwellers and the latrine, My alpacas can (pittal) for England !!....and they don't rush the job !! do they !