Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Brace Yourself.......Batten Down the Hatches !!!..

Apparently we are forcassed some severe weather in the N.E.of Scotland, as of Friday, if the weather forecast is correct !!!!....we're due to have a lot of Snow, as of Friday and for the weekend, with really strong winds, the wind is already here, so they might be right about the imminent snow !!

So we are ready for the onslaught of winter, and if we get blocked in, which we usually do every year, the cupboards are full and we are ready !!...hopefully some pictures will appear with some of the white stuff on the blog.

I shall keep you posted, but maybe it won't happen, who knows, the weather men, have been known to get it wrong, especially around haymaking time !!...when you need them to get it right, more than ever.

The sheds are full with hay/straw for the winter and as long as the animal family are well, no emergencies pending, all you have to do is keep warm, eat lots and sit it out !!..I've topped up the feed today just in case, so we're ready...bring on the Snow !!!!.....I'm feeling back to normal, if I can call myself normal, many would disagree !!

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