Look at this, its a hand carved unique walking stick, hand carved by my father who is a 'stickmaker'. Some readers will remember that I mentioned the stick making on a previous blog.
I did say that I had requested an 'Alpaca' walking stick made by my father, I was told that I had no chance, however......here it is !!!!!!!!
I was presented with this beautiful walking stick when I visited, I took it to show Debbie at Barnacre alpacas, she thought it was lovely. This is something which I will cherish for many years to come.
A very Big 'Thank-you' to my Mam and Dad.
The stick was fantastic, Jayne your dad is so clever. I think Gaussian had been modelling as it looked like him!
Very impressive Jayne. I really like that. What a clever man.
Thank-you for the nice comments on my special walking stick......Funny you should say that Debbie, we thought it also looked like Gaussian !
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