Friday, 10 April 2009

Beautiful Babies.....getting All grown Up !

Just a couple of updated photos of the not so small babies....Zakhura little black female is getting quite grown up now. I have a bit of a soft spot for her, as she is my first female that I have bred, I am quite proud of how she is growing up !

Also Zanubis, he is a Rose Grey !..... there is a bit of a friendly argument going on with my father, who says that he is 'Brown'. I have defended the fact since the day he was born, that he is a Rose Grey, I've now got the pictures to prove it. The wind was blowing and I caught a picture of his fleece, blowing in the wind.....I have high hopes for him.......I think he is also maturing into a very promising fella !........


Knapper Alpakka said...

Excellent alpacas. Congrats :-)

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Thank-you....for your kind remark ! its always nice when someone else can give a non biased opinion...Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Zanubis looks lovely, in fact they all do. They grow up so fast don't they.

Patou Alpacas said...

They look lovely Jayne.