Sunday, 4 October 2009

Zanzibah Zullulah ...

Marquette and her new baby..... Zanzibah Zullulah !
Just 2 days old ..

I'll get the hang of these lovely long legs ..... soon !

Zullulah, all wrapped up, nice and snug !

I would like to introduce you all to Zanzibah Zullulah .. she is now 2 days old. I have waited over three years to put this name to a baby, so here she is.... Zanzibah Zullulah. I think it suits her.


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

She looks lovely and very chunky.

Keep the photo's coming.

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Lovely photos in both your blogs today, Jayne.

What is the origin of your herd name and the indiviudal 'pacas names(I can see that sometimes, it 'just works' with a 'zed'). Dave.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Thanks for the nice was such a lovely day, it would be a shame not to take a few pictures !!....Jayne

Patou Alpacas said...

She is beautiful Jayne!

And you are obviously quite mad!

Lucy said...

Awww she's lovely. Did you make the coats Jayne?

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I have made the dressing gowns !!..the underneath coats, but the turn out coats, are from good old Ebay !!....(Dog Coats)....they are excellent, for your baby alpacas !!.....Jayne