As the title would suggest.....I have been battered with winter...once again, just when you dared to think that Spring was well under way !
Since Wednesday morning....the weather had been horrendous, we have been battered by high winds and snow storms all day. The morning started with a power cut, at 7.45am.....and this continued for another 34 hours....which left me with no normal facilities....that you take for granted...!!!!
As there was no electric, this meant there was no water to the we are pump fed, resulting in....a very limited supply of water...including such normal facilities as one might take for granted...a flushing toilet to name a few...
No electric also the fire is linked with the heating system which relies on electricity to power the pump...!!
Just when you need to battern down the hatches and snuggle up ... sadly with no electric, you've got no chance...
I am reasonably prepared as I have a calor gas heater, I also had to get out the camping stove, to make a cuppa tea...!!
So last night was spent sitting in candle light, reminiscing and wondering just how long this would last, today I have rapidly run out of water and I went to a friends to get some for a hot drink. When I returned..I was just in the process of dusting off my storm lantern..ready for the second night in darkness....and guess what..... about 5.30pm....the lights came back I'm happier, at the moment I've got all my luxury electric facilities..on....a nice hot fire....powering the radiators ! I have the telly on...just cause I can, I also have the obviously a blog was required.....and I have lights...
Marvellous...I'm warm...and I can see what I'm doing....back to normal....!!
Well, maybe that last comment is pushing it a bit :0))
Roll.....on Spring !.....this-time !! Needless to say, the alpacas have been inside, why would anybody want to be out in this weather !!
Hi Jayne, Suspected that you might have caught the full force of this one. We had one bad day but the snow soon went - and the power stayed on. Candle-light is so gloomy isn't it? Freezing cold tonight but I think we might all get a decent weekend. Stay warm - fill the flasks just in case (and the hot water bottle!) Take care. Shirley & Robbie
No flushing facilities...I remember it well...I hope all is now functioning...never take anything for granted!
We were thinking about you yesterday when we saw the news on tv. We have to take full responsibility; Si has had another weeks holiday. Everytime he books time off work it snows, we had it here too. A word of warning, expect snow again in July, I think he is going to book some time off then.
Spring was just teasing us - was thinking about you as I saw the forecasts, and glad you're coping.
Hi Jayne, Sorry you are having it a bit rough again with the snow. Keep your spirits high.
You're a tough old bird Jayne, no doubt about it! (in the nicest possible way of course!)
Now...that last just plain Cheeky !!.....old bird indeed....!!!!!!!!!..Jayne
So glad that you are back with all mod cons - hopefully that was just a 'blip' and once Easter is over and everyone is back at work the weather will be nice. Just think of the heatwave we are supposed be having in July/August!!!!
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