Wednesday 5 May 2010

Time to Enjoy !!

The weanlings...... enjoying their new paddock
Is it time for Bed ?


As the title would suggest, after my hectic days......its time to wind down a little !

So I have been taking it easy, over the last couple of days. I have been turning my time to doing a bit of spinning. I really enjoy this, and for some reason, its quite therapeutic. Also my electric spinning wheel is fantastic ! Gives the old knees a rest.

The alpacas are all ok, there is definite improvement with Zeuss's leg and I have only heard one cough from Zanubis ! Socks also appears to be doing what he should, so I think its safe to say, he is ok !

The babies are getting the hang of being on their own, Duke has settled in really well and they have formed a nice little group. I have wormed my weanlings last night as they were due. Today we have a little rain, so that will wash in the muck preparation for the hay crop !

Well, now we are in May, I can't believe that it will be only just a few weeks till the alpacas will be sheared again. I still have a little bit of fleece from last year's shearing batch...but I'm sure that this will be used up quickly ........ thankfully to my little electric wheel !

Oh....I thought that I would just mention...I planted 200 Daffodil Bulbs in Feb....that was late due to all the snow....we had. Well I would just like to say.....that they are all starting to grow !

I know its late....but still they are a welcome sight !


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Glad to here evereyone is ok and the daffs are finally growing!!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Nice update Jayne - pour yourself a glass of wine, next winter you'll have those daffs to look forward to. Dave

Sid and Pat said...

Glad to hear the alpacas are all on the mend, enjoy the daffs. I planted some in February too!!