Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Phase...Four ....waiting !!

Zorba having an alpaca moment....watching the chickens !
Girls...out today...we have seen sunshine !!


What will it be....hay or haylage !!....

I am waiting..for the land to dry out..after the torrential rain over the past couple of days...we were forecast..the possibility of showers..not....the downpour...that we did get.

So its a case of waiting for the land to dry....maybe all being well I shall be able to get on the fields by Friday...and start again.....I'm hoping to still get hay. Things are not lost just the grass is still a good colour and providing we have dry weather..all will be ok !

If not then its a case of plan.....'Z'....just get something..that resembles...something to feed over the winter......and make a decision to turn it into haylage...before all the nutritional value is lost !!

So its a case of waiting...and hoping....that the weather 'Gods' are not going to dump another quantity of rain least for a few days...maybe that is expecting far too much..after all........a dry Scotland....we'll that's unheard of isn't it !!

I'm staying hopeful....and positive !! least for the minute !!

;-)... that might all the drop of a hat !!


Unknown said...

Positivity is key Jayne...I of doom and gloom hay analysis may yet be proven wrong...our contractor has been out today...still hope he claims!!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Keep positive Jayne according to the weather it is supposed to improve for the weekend.

Terry said...

Best of luck on the hay. I love the photos, especially Zorba and the great big cattle.