Sunday, 10 October 2010

More Visitors from Afar !!

Jane and Ian, with the electric spinning wheel !!

Today I have had more visitors !!

I had a lovely phone call from Jane & Ian of all the way from South Africa. They are on holiday here and asked if they could come and have a look at the alpacas, they have been staying in Inverness, they have payed a visit to Tigh Mhor Alpacas, Robbie and Shirley, whilst holidaying here..... both are Vets and also keep a herd of Alpacas in South Africa.

Jane is very interested in processing her alpaca fleece into garments, mainly woven and hand crafted, scarves, waistcoats and your own tartan on request !!

We had a lovely chit-chat, and the 'extreme torture' spinning wheel came up in conversation, Jane had to have a go ! and it caused quite a bit of interest, this little spinning wheel came all the way from Poland...purchased from good old Ebay ! Rob from Wellground nicknamed it...a machine of 'extreme torture' !! and it has stuck....

Needless to say we had a quick nosey at the alpacas, a good rummage through this years fleece , then they had to leave back to Inverness.

At this rate....I shall be having to re-surface my track ! maybe after my little run on visitors....

I won't be having any more for a while...I shall have to wait and see....if any one else fancies..a visit !!


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Aren't you the popular one!!!

Rob @ Wellground said...

Hi everyone, (sorry, in my confusion I put this comment on another post Jayne, doh! . So here it is again.)

Just a quick note as I have a few minutes free.

We just wanted to say what a great day Les and I had at Zanzibah Alpacas last Monday. It was lovely to meet Jayne and her parents.

What an astonishingly beautiful place that is. Jayne you are very lucky to live there.

You are also very brave and we both admire what you have done so much. It sinks home how much when you visit the farm and see what Jayne has done. You are an inspiration to us.

And as for the animals. I can honestly say, you will rarely see alpacas that look in such wonderful condition.

The whole farm is a credit to you Jayne and you should be very proud. Thanks so much for looking after us. Can't wait to meet you again.

Rob n Les xx

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I probably will never get any more visitors...ever again !!...I can go for months without seeing any-one !!!

Thank-you so much for the lovely comment...what a compliment, its always nice to have a little 'pat on the back' especially from fresh eyes......

Maybe I shall have to get a B&B...sign up this rate.....Jayne

Terry said...

A B&B is a great idea! I would love to see alpacas and Highland cattle and a hedgehog!

Shirley said...

Pleased that Jane and Ian found their way to you, Jayne. Definitely time for the B & B sign to go up at the end of the road. Maybe you should advertise 'working holidays', instead of grape picking you could do dung shifting etc!! Take care.

Unknown said...

Oh no I was hoping to pay a visit sometime soon... but a working holiday! Although a B&B sounds good.