Sunday, 28 November 2010

Battle to Get Out !!.....continues......

The tractor....with my home-made snow plough......its an 8ft strainer....chained on !!
View of the garden and the !!!!

This is the view...outside the kitchen window......I have moved the car...!!!!

YIPEE......we got out......onto the main road !!.......I like my Hyundai !!!!!!....its wrinkle free Rob !!

View up to the farm this morning..before the snow-ploughing.....began and the quest to get out !!

Another snowy day and the battle to get out is in full swing !!

Today...I have spent most of the day......either in the tractor....with my homemade snow plough attachment....on !

After several trips.....up and down the track......pushing away the snow....that seems to be falling just as quick as I can clear it......I decided that I should scrape away the snow that has formed on my car.......there was at least a foot on the roof...and took me ages to clear it...I thought I'd better start it up just to make sure and to give the engine a chance to warm up. Then after last year...I was blocked in for 5 weeks...and a huge wave of snow built up in front of the car and it took me ages to get out....I thought I'd move prevent that happening again.....after I moved the car...I thought....should I give it a see if I could get out onto the road....I decided to go for it and see if I could get out and back with the car.

Now for some who have posh cars....I myself have a little 4x4 Hyundai...and it has served me very well indeed.....I actually like my car !!!!......and after todays performance...I like it even more......I have some decent tyres on it and they do make a did have just road tyres on...but it now has.....'town n country' ones on......and in weather like this they get a much better grip !!

I have actually contemplated getting some snow chains....just for days like get me .....out of the track....and onto the main roads......I'm still thinking about that....but with this wish you had some......

So just for the record.....more snow....more...snow ploughing....and strangely enough...I feel just like I did.....earlier......on in the year.....waging a an attempt to be able to get out !

I just didn't think it would be so soon !!!!!

Thankfully the animals are well.....and have spent the day inside.....the snow is so deep I can't get the gates open...and even if I did......there's nothing for them to eat...under all that snow !!
We will battle on !!!!!!!!!!!


Shirley said...

You'll be getting a job with the Council roads dept soon! Stay warm. Shirley & Robbie

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Good luck with the battle Jayne, sounds like you've got all the right kit, and the spirit, Dave.

Rosemary said...

Snow plough looks brilliant!
From down here, with virtually no snow, it all sounds highly exciting and Sam is very, very jealous!

Rob @ Wellground said...

All hail the Ty-un-dai, a great little (reliable) 4x4. Crikey Jayne, what a brilliant snow plough you have made from a straining post. That front loader on the Zetor can get a bloke all excited too ;o))

Seriously Jayne, well done you, you're a real trooper. Les says she takes her hat off to you.


Terry said...

Yikes, it looks cold! What a nifty tractor, Jayne, and what a smart snow plow! I hope the snow lets up soon, and the sun shines on Zanzibah.

Unknown said...

Well done Jayne...never to be beaten :))

WillowBank Alpacas said...

You go Jayne, you just seem to deal with whatever is thrown at you. Well done and a well deserved pat on the back from us down south.
Karl & Lisa

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Your car roof looks like our MG, Paul uncovered it yesterday before the soft top caved in and today the snow is up well past the door sills!!!