Duke ...coming to see me !...and Zeto....today....
Holly, having her supper......peanuts, bananas, sultanas, meal worms.....and hedgehog nuts !!
Taco & Sunny lying down, a couple of days ago......on the mend now......
As usual, I have had a busy couple of days.....lately !
The weather has been lovely here also, lets hope that it continues.....well into September !!!!
Ok, well for at least a few more days...anyway ! I have collected another bale of silage for my Highland Cows....to tide them over till the grass makes a spurt and decides to grow....
I was out in the garden today, doing a spot of gardening as it was so nice. Then I decided to take a couple of photos of the 'Baby Boys'....Zeto and Duke, I trimmed their 'top-nots' today so they can now see where they are going !
It was late tonight when I got finished...and I nearly forgot to feed Holly ! It was about 9.15pm and just about dark..when I dropped her feed into her enclosure....I could see what looked to be like a rock...there....well I know that there are no rocks in her area...so I thought it must be her.....out ...looking for her supper.....I got a stick and gave it a nudge to see...and it was her....as it was nearly dark....I couldn't see her properly...but I decided to take some photos..with my phone...and when the flash went off.....you could see her......she looks great to say, she is just out of hibernation......hope you enjoy the photos.....!!
Finally......all the alpacas are staying out tonight...as it was a lovely evening...and it was far too nice to bring them in for bed-time......I hope that their first night out......goes well......when they are turned out for the summer....I do miss them.....but I will be checking them over tomorrow........to make sure....they all survived.......ok !!
The horses are on the mend...I think...Im hoping that maybe all being well after the weekend, if the weather stays nice....they can be turned back out with the others.....
Yay! It's all good! So glad your weather is nice, and so glad Taco and Sunny are doing good. Looks like Holly had quite the feast.
Looking good! We just love greys, and absolutely love Zeto!
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