Thursday, 14 February 2013

More Snow ..... we are Snoozing !

We have another dump of snow today and we are all in the same frame of mind ... this is Niggy ... he is hiding and refuses to wake up ....I think he has the right idea considering the weather. 

The girls are running into bed ... no one wants to be out in this weather.  Who can blame them!

Even Slinky has taken to her bed and is tucked up nice and cosy ...

There are two out ... Thomas & Taco are waiting for their haylage.

A snowy Scotland once again, the snow is here however its supposed to go as quick as it came.  This is the view from the wood down to the farm.  I have filled all the bird feeders and put the peanuts out, as I feed a Red Squirrel and a Wood Pecker up the wood and its at times like this, they need a helping hand.
I have had some nice news tonight .. my parents are hoping to come up at the weekend.  I think my dad has a burning desire to have a nice mobile home sited on the new gravelled area ....any excuse to get a bit of man-space !!


Terry said...

Love the photos, especially Niggly snuggled in. How I wish I could do that in the morning!
We are expecting a bit of snow tomorrow, and it is welcome. Our winter has been very dry, and everyone is worried about the drought.

Shirley said...

We got the same dump Jayne but it's all gone now. The animals will all be able to get out and about today - even the piggies! Shirley & Robbie

Bev said...

I'm in favour of this kind of snow, makes everything look beautiful for a few photos, and gives us all an excuse to snooze a while. Then 24 hrs later it's all gone. We've got sun today, hope you have too, bliss..

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Ours came and is almost gone, just a few patches hanging round.

I only managed to convince five girls to go our yesterday!

Unknown said...

A mobile home...with those views ...sounds like a good idea Dad,

Rosemary said...

Say 'hello' to your parents from us!

Snow looks good but is not too wonderful to be working in!

Rob @ Wellground said...

Hi Jayne,

Great News that Mam and Dad are coming up. Please tell Dad that the walking sticks arrived in the post. They are awesome. There is no stick made like those by Jim the Champion Stick Whittler.

Please tell dad I am absolutely delighted and very grateful indeed.


Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Hope the snow is clearing - we woke to daylight this morning for the first time in months, due to the endless cloud/rain, and it's been sunny all day - hooray!but the ground is like a wet sponge.eriesaBr

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

duh...sorry I typed the code in at the end of my comment!