As usual its been another busy week. We are still waiting for new arrivals, Zambo & Zaroo are now real pals and have lots of fun playing together and when they have tired themselves out they like to sleep together ... it takes lots of energy to grow up beautiful !!
Marquette is hanging onto her baby along with the three other girls who are due ... any day now. She looks fed up, I wish they would all hurry up .... maybe tomorrow will be the big day and no doubt they will all arrive together .... that will be manic !! I do hope not !
Zanzibah Zyisha .... has now grown up. I can't believe that she is nearly a year old.
Zaroo is now bigger than little Zambo ...and he loves to pester him, how the tables have turned Zambo was a real pest when he was days old.
No rest for the wicked .... just a little job on the 'to do list' I've been busy spreading 50 ton of crushed rock on to the yard area in the hope that it will be much drier and nicer under foot in the winter time. I have another 20 ton of smaller rock to dress it off and part of the area will be finished. Hopefully this will be all done before the haylage bales appear.... some time soon.
Nearly finished..... I now have two more piles, just waiting to be spread. This was a photo before they arrived.
Oh, yes .... a few minor adjustments around the buildings, I decided to move some nice little Fir trees as they were growing under the electricity wires, then thought it would be a good idea to have a gap dug into the bank where I have now relocated my manure heap....the idea is to get the yard all tidied up and then when its time to do the muck spreading to load the muck spreader on the field side to try and keep the area tidy .. so this is the new cut through being dug in, with the big digger and the trees being dug out.
Finished ...the trees are now located up the field and the gap is complete, I have already moved the manure pile into its new home !
So hopefully we will get organised before the weather turns. The pending job is the haylage .... and
waiting for the new arrivals !
Even MacAlpine and Tarmac would weep at the size of your 'to do' list, Jayne! Don't work too hard. Shirley & Robbie
You never fail to amaze Jayne, with the amount of work that you take on. Great photos the babes look so sweet.
You are truly amazing Jayne with all the jobs you tackle!
Enjoy the "cria anticipation"...hope they deliver exactly what you ordered!
Now go and put your feet up!!
Maybe your new cria have arrived by now?!
Fantastic job you are doing there - can't believe it but winter isn't far away now!
Looks like we are all taking part on the waiting game. There is just no way of knowing when they will pop!! Keep up all your hard work Jayne but dont forget a little time for yourself.
Karl & Lisa
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