Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Better Late than Never ... Zucco, Zonko & Zymerah

I thought that I had better update the Blog, as I have been otherwise occupied to say the least.
My parents have been staying with me over the summer months and to say I've been slacking would be an under statement !!

Zucco, Zonko !! & Zambo
All my babies are now here, these are the boys.  We ended up with three bouncing boys and one beautiful girl. I think that the pet names are going to stay. 

Little Marquette's baby was named as he is always sleeping !!  and his name just stuck hence 'Zonko'.  Zullulah's baby is a real sweetie, I think she might be Rose Grey but its really hard to say at the moment.  I think her name will be Zymerah.


Rosemary said...

Lovely to have the update - hope all is well. The alpacas all look wonderful - what a lovely range of colours.

Shirley said...

You've got some lovely colours and markings in the herd there Jayne - the wee ones look really great. Shirley & Robbie

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Good to see you back, I was only saying to Gabby (Dukes mum) yesterday I would have to drop you a line. Your ears must've been burning!

Glad to see your babies growing nicely.

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Good to hear from you Jayne, and to see the fruits of your and your 'ladies' labours!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the lovely additions Jayne...a lot of us having a 'boy' year!

Patou Alpacas said...

Lovely looking bunch Jayne, well done!

WillowBank Alpacas said...

Jayne, so good to see you back on the blog, you have been missed. Your herd is looking fantastic.
Karl & Lisa

Andrew said...

Good to see you back.. great cria.