Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Get the Hint !!

Get the hint.....can any one remember the summer !!!!!!!!!
What a day......winter has arrived......

Winter has definitely arrived with avengeance....it has been a blustery freezing cold day with heavy hail storms and sleet...!!

I have spent most of the day inside....pottering about. I happened to look out of my kitchen window..at about 5pm this evening and if ever there was a hint to be taken.....the alpaca girls had started to make their way down to the gateway, where they continued to stand and wait..obviously for me..to let them inside for bed ....

The wind has been biting and with the evening forecast to be no better...then time for bed it was. So tonight we are all tucked up in bed....the babies are in the big barn, the girls are in their shelter and the boys are in the old stone steading......and its nice to have the content feeling that they are all snug, safe and warm..not sitting out in the wet fields....with the howling wind.

I am also doing a little bit of a knitting project.....with some beautiful alpaca fleece, I am in the process of re-vamping my 'Funky Wellground Alpaca Hat' and I have a new addition to match.....coming soon....so no doubt there might be another photo...shoot pending !!


Rob @ Wellground said...

Isn't it lovely to know you have the alpacas tucked up when the weather is bad, it's such a secure feeling.

Bring on the photoshoot ;o))

Rob n Les

Rosemary said...

It is getting colder and blowing a gale here - but nowhere near your weather!
Looking forward to the photo shoot!

Unknown said...

Winter's a coming...good to know that they are all tucked up...sleep well all!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

It certainly is cold, we've given in and have the heating on. Thankfully we've not had much rain though.

L said...

Horrible isn't it? Sleet and hail here too. Winter is here. Frost tonight - the gritter has just been past our house.

Terry said...

Love the photo of the alpacas asking to come in! So expressive! Hope the sleet ends soon. It's still nice here - this time last year we'd already had a blizzard.

Shirley said...

Hi Jayne, Good to see your girls queueing up to get in, they know what a cumfy bed feels like! Really clear, frosty night here with the boys prefering to lie out in it. Next shower of rain or sleet will see them tearing back under cover! Take care. Robbie & Shirley