Friday, 15 July 2011

Another Busy Day.......Phase 5 !

The girls today after shearing !

The barn is coming along.....

Me.....up the ladder now !!

James and Kym arrive to shear the girls....

Today has been another busy day new arrivals unfortunately !

The weather has been kind to us as we continue with the barn, we are now onto phase 5 !!

The forecast is for the weather to change over the weekend and into next week, so we had to get done as much as we could whilst the weather was good....who knows what we will wake

up to tomorrow.....I might even get a day off....!

The rest of the wood arrived yesterday, this will form the Yorkshire Boarding on the sides of the barn.......although we had another also.
James arrived around midday to finish off the shearing, this time it was the girls turn, I am still waiting for definitely 2.....maybe 3 more babies to arrive, obviously they all have other ideas and must be happy where they are for the moment.....but they had to be sheared....

By 2pm all the girls had been sheared and were wearing a slightly new sleeker look ! the babies were pleased to be reunited with their mothers...who do look very different, but everyone knew...who was who !! and who belonged to who !!

So tonight another busy day.....we are getting on quite well with the barn and hope to get it finished by next permitting..... arrivals.......take priority......

Thankfully the girls are just across from the its a good excuse to keep a close eye on things.......its great to see the round playing with each other !


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

You'rer soon getting on with that barn extention!

Terry said...

The barn is looking great!

Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

That barn looks its certainly coming along well, and you do seem to have a very busy time at the moment.

Keep up the good work.


Rosemary said...

Just catching up with the blog! The barn has gone up remarkably quickly and looks fantastic - you need a day off now!