The barn is taking shape.....
The roof structure is nearly complete......
Dressed as usual......NOT !
My Mam meets Zoretah and Zirrianna....
It has been a really busy week here.....
Zoretah is one week old today, she has continued to improve and now spends most of her time running round the field chasing Zirrianna. It is hard to believe that a week has flown by already, it is also amazing just how much she has continued to improve and grow much stronger over the past 7 days.
Her front leg is still supported for the time being, but it has improved loads since she was born, I think I shall be taking it off in a day or two. Now she is standing better you can see just how much bigger she is when she is next to Zirrianna.
It has been a bit of a mixed week for weather, sunshine, showers and obviously with the sun comes the flies.
I have been very busy, my parents arrived on Sunday for a little visit.
Needless to say, on the agenda for the 'to do list' is the barn which was started earlier, we have been on phase is coming along quite nicely...hopefully it will be done just in time for haymaking......or failing might make a lovely new alpaca building for the winter...I haven't decided yet exactly what it will be used for....but I'm sure its going to be a great addition to the farm....I have wanted to do this building for about 4 hopefully this will be crossed off the list soon......I'm really quite excited....about getting this building completed.
Hopefully most of it will be completed before my mam and dad go back about a week or so.
On the baby new arrivals here at the moment...however, tonight Dusty's baby has been jumping around.....we are currently on day 343 days for these any time so
I know where to come for my barn.......
Happy 1 week birthday to Zoretah!
What a barn! Fabulous!
And the babies are looking gorgeous!
Very Impressive Jayne...and going to be finished by the time Mum and Dad go home...even more impressed!
Glad to here the babies are comming along well.
Lovely crias Jayne - we maybe need to come and seem them! Barn looking good too.
Beautiful babies. The barn looks fantastic and you really are an amazing woman. You put us all to shame. Got blog comments sorted now, fingers crossed. Hope Zeto hasn't been feeling as though I've fallen out of love with him.
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