Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Phase ..............FINISHED !!!!!!!!!

YIPEE.............Im chuffed to bits....its done !!

Looking from the opposite side.......finished......just a couple of little things to do...next time !

The big doors.........are split...just incase, I decide to keep the alpacas in here for the winter...

This is what we started with...this morning !!

Yipee.............today is a great day...........the barn is finished....for the moment anyway !

Today we have managed to fit the door on the other side of the barn, fix the edging around the sides which finishes off the sides.

We have also managed to finish off the trim above the big doors on the other side. Fix the boarding around the doors and clear the trailer and some old bits n pieces that have been propped up where the new door now is.

My parents are planning on going home on Thursday, so tomorrow its a bit of a tidy up, along with getting some alpaca feed delivered and sorting out another couple of odd jobs.

The barn is finished for the time being, I shall continue to finish off some of the boarding on my own, and there are a couple of fixings to do which I shall get on with later.

On the side we have been working on today, there is a gap between the door and the roof, I have actually ran out of sarking board, which I use to do the Yorkshire boarding, so next time I shall be ordering some more planks just to fill the gap in, and we are a couple short around the main door, so these will be done at the same time.....

What a job..........I can't believe its done.......I'm chuffed to bits ....that its built.....we have been working on this for the past three weeks....and I can honestly say.....I think we are all pleased it is finished......and I know that I am even if I do say so myself.......quite proud of it !

Just goes to show what you can do.....with alot of hard work.....and determination......along with the obvious aches and pains.........

Nevertheless.............its done...............and the jobs....a 'Goodin'

We are all now off.....to have a lie down....for quite sometime to recover !!.....

My parents will be going home for a well earned rest....and I shall be getting my batteries...recharged..........just in time for the haymaking !!!!!


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

You should be very proud of yourself it is fantastic, well done.

Terry said...

Yay! Fantastic job!

Unknown said...

You deserve a holiday after that...how about Cumbria for a couple of weeks...we still haven't finished our latest field shelter after 6 weeks!!

Patou Alpacas said...

You are an inspiration to us all Jayne, a legend!

Rosemary said...

That is one heck of a barn!
The overalls look good - mind you, I think a purple cowboy hat would make the ideal accessory!!!