Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Zadi~Blanca 24Hrs Old....Phase 4 Complete !!

Zadi~Blanca and resting in the barn.

Yippee........Roof completed....tonight !!....Yehah !!

Zimushka....had an itch !

The relieved to get the roof....finished !! ......who invited Humpty Dumpty !!

Little Zadi~Blanca is now 24hrs old, she is coming along nicely after her arrival into the world.

She has continued to grow stronger and is feeding well and since standing has been very active getting used to those long legs...she has already started to join in playing with the others....which is nice.

It has been just under one week since we started to fix the roof build the roof. This is a big job and we had finished it on Saturday, which meant that by Sunday we were ready to fix the roofing sheets......and today we have completed that job so we have managed to roof the whole building in 4 days.......not bad for a geriatric workforce !!

So tomorrow I have a load more timber being delivered, this will be used to make the now we can look forward to phase 5 !.........for tomorrows 'to do list'.....

The 'lean-to' barn is measures approx 60ft by I'm sure you can imagine the size of the roof.....we have spent most of the days.....climbing up and down the ladders......thankfully....we have managed to finish the roof ...without any mishaps.....!!

So, sometime tomorrow....we are working at ground height...which is nice for a dad decided to take some photos of me tonight...just finishing off the you can get an idea of the size......of the looks huge...infact it makes me look...small, standing at the other end......we got finished at about 9pm tonight....

Hopefully.....I think that is the biggest jobs complete...and we can crack on with the sides.....the task is to get it finished..before my parents go week sometime.

The babies are all doing fine, its great to have some little ones to enjoy this summer.....hopefully the girls will be sheared on Friday so they will feel much cooler......I wonder if I get any more babies....before shearing.... I hope so, after all, I put off shearing till after the babies were born......but you can't rush these things and you just have to go with mother nature....


Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Fantastic to see the barn progressing, glad the weather has been good to you.

Jeff said...

If you fancy giving us a hand at building a barn for us Jayne, please give us a call!!!

Terry said...

What a nice addition to your barn. You got that roof done pretty darn fast!
The babies are adorable.

Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

Super babies and the barn's looking good too.

We know where to come for help when we extend out barn lol


Unknown said...

More Alice in Wonderland than Humpty Dumpty...or is it just Wonderwoman (might have to don some different gear for that one!)

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

You've done a racking job there, I will be on the phone for tips soon!!

The babies are looking good too :-)

Unknown said...

If you and your Dad fancy a holiday in Devon you'll both be more than welcome. I'm sure I could find a couple of jobs to keep you entertained. Barn looks fantastic and I have taken a real liking to Zimushka.

Shirley said...

What? No solar? Good job Jayne & Dad and well done to Mum for holding the ladder!