Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year !! ......Roll on 2011 !!! growing up....nicely !!

Snow...up the wood.....its nearly gone now !!

Well its time to Wish you all a Happy New Year and thank all the people who read the blog !

I have had my alpaca cuddle for this evening....and we are all cosy tucked up in bed for tonight. It is a cold and windy evening here.

I hope that 2011 is a good year, I am looking forward to healthy crias some time in June. The animals are all well and we are just taking one day at a time.

I shall be glad to see the back of 2010.....I have had a difficult year at times.....testing my resolve......I have had to deal with some life changing events....and I am battling on. I have had to dig deep at times....and have found myself 'life-plan' ! sometimes...loosing my direction....but managing some find my way back....onto...firmer ground !! I would like to think...that I am stronger for the experience !!

However.....what I will say is that.....I have come to the times life is very hard...and at times....when the chips are down.....some just have to relay on yourself.....and Hang onto your Dreams.....and stay True to your Heart.......!!

Tomorrow is another just gotta get through that dim and dark see the Brighter Sunny Day that's round the corner.....!!

When there is no light at the end of the tunnel.....just Take a deep breath and have another Look.......its there.......but sometimes....we miss that tiny...sparkle that can....lead you into a much brighter Day.....

Never Give Up !!........and Just Hang on in there.....Life is Good......but at times...very difficult....

I'm still climbing...this ladder....of life to Happiness......and on that note......I hope you are all....just a rung or two.....ahead of me !!....

Happy New Year....Zanzibah Alpacas will be 2011....I hope you will join us....for our New Year Adventure.......

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Boxing Day Pronk !

The girlies ....having a Boxing Day Pronk !!....
The Queen of Zanzibah !! overall !!.....nice crown !!

Minstrel...and Zienna....she likes to get close ......

The girls...out an orderly queue !!...before the pronking !!

We are still under quite a deep snowy blanket here in Scotland.

Today I turned the girls out for a bit of a leg stretch and a Boxing Day Pronk....they had a great time and run about and rolled in the snow.....

It has been ages since we have seen any grass......I have forgotten what a green view looks like.

The boys are still inside the barn...refusing to venture out into the snow, no interest at all to get their feet cold !!

We are going through the hay at a rate of knots........I'm just hoping that we have a much more milder spell.....after the New Year !

I have survived Christmas.....for another I just have to survive the snow ! to be able to make it...into the New Year !

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Festive Greetings and......Santa has come early......I couldn't wait !!.!

Everette Green has a new friend !.......Santa...has arrived early here at Zanzibah Land
My lovely new Fawn Girl......courtesy of Wellground Alpaca Stud !!

The view up the

The Rainbow Trout hand carved walking stick.......made by my father !

The view from the hill...looking down to the farm.......I have been out in the

I am back from my little blog holiday....just in time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year....

I have been other wise occupied.....over the last week.....what with one thing and another....although the temperature was rising.....:-) we still managed to have.....even more snow than before......I have been busy as usual trying to keep the track open......we have had a considerable amount of snow over the last week....what a week .......but all in all a great week !! Maybe more of the the future....who knows....time will tell !

Here at Zanzibah Land....I have been rather naughty... Santa has arrived early with presents......I was perplexed with the little jingle that was coming from one very nice present.....I just couldn't leave it alone.....I left it a couple of days having....rattled it on a daily basis...wondering what it could be.......and then...tonight....I gave in to the....temptation....I just had to open it......and what was really made me laugh......Everette Green has a new little friend........Santa..!! He sings....and dances like no other......what a great little mover !

Then on my wish list....obviously a new fawn alpaca.......that would be nice....wouldn't it.....well maybe fantasy wishful thinking.......or was it.....I shall let you decide on that one.......what a absolutely lovely gift ! Thank-you.....a lovely surprise....

Cinderella is back to the usual....daily chores........
My parents are visiting for Christmas....and my dad has brought some of his hand carved walking stick to show me.....he has made a lovely Rainbow Trout one from a Rams horn....

Well its just left to Wish you all a Merry Christmas....and I wonder what Santa has in store......I have been just a little naughty.......I have opened one or two...presents....already ! :0)

Saturday, 11 December 2010

The Temperature is Rising !!!

The girls....waiting to go out...this morning !
Yipee.....we have....grass... waiting...for Santa !!

What a difference a day makes.....the temperature has risen.....considerably !!

We hardly have any snow left it has melted with avengence.....there has been local flooding on roads ......and the rivers and ditches are running to full capacity.

The alpacas have been out today as we had grass....well.....brownish grass anyway.....they have been inside for about 2 weeks.....refusing to venture out in the snow.

Unfortunately with the thaw....there is mud ! Everything is now going back to green, albeit muddy green. The larger animals have all been out on the fields doing a little bit of grazing.

The alpacas ran out and up the field today.....I think they were happy not to have a snow covered field.

I have a couple of record the moment......we are getting into the festive spirit here. In fact I have a special delivery.....due to arrive some time next week !!!! can't say any more than that !! So the blog might be a bit I might be a little bit pre-occupied....

I have had to alter my my the snow has gone...the roof has sprung back....and some of the props had fallen out.....its lifted about 4 to 5" it just goes to show.....what weight was on there......but all in all.....I'm glad that I will be able to repair it in the future..and I'm not replacing the full roof !!

So the big melt is on.....and apparently....we are to get colder towards the latter end of next week......and brace yourself....for a bit more of the white stuff !!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Sack the Builder .....The Girls have been Evicted !!

We are feeling the strain.....of the snow !!........
Thankfully....I had propped up the the snow was so...deep !......

An empty building......thankfully no harm done.....the girls have the building....down the track !......

Well this weather is taking its toll.....on man and beast.......and today...I was greeted by a scary moment !!

I have been the small shelter that I made a couple of years ago....I wasn't convinced that the roof was strong enough....I have 7"x 2" spars....keeping the main support of the roof. But at the time of building....I was limited to how many cross members I could get and the ones that I did get....I wasn't happy with them at the time. Never the was built and it has been an excellent little shelter........

Bearing in mind that we have not had....this sort of heavy snow fall in 2010 on record in Scotland....till now....I thought that it would be ok....after all ever one moaned on about Global Warming !! I thought that the roof....was more than strong cope with the copious amounts of rain !!.......

Having said all that....after the snow earlier on in the year...and the horrendous.....amounts that fell.....I was quite impressed with the little roof......and its....strength......

However all the while in the back on my head was a little niggle....that I think I should strengthen that roof !!..... the time I hadn't considered...that allot of the snow.....slips from the big barn...roof...onto this little roof.....I hadn't thought of that !!......either....!!

Today.....when I walked the dogs......I couldn't help notice...that we were thawing ....rapidly !!...infact.....every soaked !

As usual I check the girls......the first thing I noticed....was the roof !!.....MMmmm the sight I saw I wasn't happy !! my wisdom......I had decided to prop the roof with extra supports to be on the safe side....after all we have had allot of snow lately !!

And...thankfully I did......there was a massive.....crack in one of the main....roof beams....if my prop had not been there...this little roof...would have collapsed.....and my girls are in here....the thought doesn't bear thinking about......

So this morning.....emergency..action plan...the girls were kicked out into the field.....I have propped the roof even more...with three extra....supports.......this will hold the roof till I can repair the damage.....probably in the spring or at least in the better weather.....

Thankfully the girls have been the old stone steading.....where I used to keep the boys...its a little dark...but at least the roofs....good !!....The other shelter..will stay empty till its repaired. I'm lucky enough to have a spare building to use over the winter.....

Aren't I glad....I propped up that roof......'Better to be Safe than Sorry !.......Lucky's not the word !!.....

You can too careful ....... there's lots of farms on the news lately....that their buildings have collapsed with their livestock in.......and there have been several casualties.......the thought.....makes me just cringe....we spend most of our time...trying to look after our animals...........providing shelter.........and comfort..........tonight....Im grateful....I had a little bit of hindsight.......and it has payed off.......!!!!!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Guess what I've been Doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The track after....the snow...clearing.....tonight !!
The drifts...were really quite deep.....the wind just blows the snow back....sadly !!

This is the track this morning ! walk....before the work to clear it had started !

Deep snow drifts......overnight and yesterday......just think I got back in time last night with the car !.........there's no way.....we'd get through this.....with the car !! 4x4 or not !!

No surprises......sadly for me today....did I wake up to a lovely sunny day.....with nice melting chance !!

Instead the blizzards came yesterday afternoon....and we got well and truly snowed on, once again.....the winds picked up and it was a white-out from late afternoon well into the evening !

I was out shopping and what a different world....I came out to......the roads were really bad and it was an interesting drive home to say the least.....I was greeted by snow drifts.....crossing the was a case of .........fortune favours the brave...there were three places where the drifting snow was really quite deep....I'd estimate it to be 2ft....and there were a couple drifting moments...when we battled against the snow....and managed to keep the car going........yehah......I made it all the way up the track and parked outside......Boy was I pleased !

So this morning....I had a job ! To try and clear away the snow......again.....Im trying to keep the track open so I don't get blocked earlier on in the year....I was blocked in for over 4 weeks...!! Not Good !!

Its the dry...drifting snow thats the just drifts...back.....time and time again....As I type tonight......the snow/sleet is lashing off the it is still relentless......

I shall battle on........with my tractor and plough !!....home-made ! It does a good job...but I'm not working 24hrs.......the snow clearer....track...maintenence is now sitting in front of the fire.....I've done my day shift !!

I can just hope that...its not too bad.....I shall return to snow clearing doubt....very here are some photos...of my morning walk....before the track clearing....and this evening......after the attempt to keep the !

At this rate.....I could do with a proper....snow-plough !!!.....

Sunday, 5 December 2010

8 Wood Pigeons in an Ash Tree !! Partridge !!

The Wood the Ash Tree !!!!!!!!......and its snowing ....
The the

The little the garden......

Everette little singing Christmas Tree !!.....he's out this year.......he had a year off last year....but he's back.....!!

The weather is still cold and we still have snow....mind you it has thawed a little today....

I have had various avalanches of snow sliding off the roof.......the icicles are beginning to melt and well......just when you thought it might be on its way....night time comes and its back to freezing....

Onto matters of a feathered variety......there is a very popular this time of year !! it goes something like this......'On the first day of true love gave to me '.......

A a Pear Tree.............I can hear you all this point !!.....

Well sadly ..............I have no.......Pear Tree......or even....the other.....!!

But what I do 8 Wood my Ash Tree.....all together now !!!!!!!!!!

I can hear you all now singing.....the Zanzibah version........' Eight Wood Pigeons in an Ash Tree !! .............. I have also had 4 the Garden........

Oh dear.............the things you do......on days like could be accused of being slightly......perculiar........on occasions.......however I can assure you.........that the occasions are very consistent .....indeed.....on that is the time of year for a very special....person to make an appearance......its..Everette Green.....he's keep me company....over the festive season......!!

I turned the girls out I thought they would like to be out....they ran across the field...following each other.....and me as I took the dogs down the track...and by the time I had returned.....they were all standing back at the gate waiting to come in !!.....

A brief outing....indeed......mind you the wind was bitter....and there's nothing just standing out in the fields.....freezing.....the boys and the baby boys are as happy as Larry...with Norris in the big requests from them to go out in this freezing stuff......

The most they do is have a quick sniff of the freezing air.....then retire to the hay......after feeding their faces...its time for a lie down and a look at the scenery !!.....

What a life !!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

The Big Freeze !! .....and Sit In !!!!!

We're not moving.........out there !! .... its freezing !!
Haggis ..... waiting...for his bucket .......

Haggis....enjoying his feed ........

It was lovely.........and so is he !!.....its so cold he has icicles........on his face !! The Highland Cattle are well suited to these extreme temperatures....they do not loose their body heat !! like others........
The track tonight.......and the freezing fog is creeping in....tonight........

Well no thaw in fact its getting colder......tonight as I type the weather station is showing -7 C excluding any wind its freezing alright !!

You know its cold when the moisture....up your nose starts to freeze, or your hands stick to the gate......just little things like that remind you just how cold it really is......

Not to mention...the frozen water......frozen solid......barn doors.....and today...for a brief moment...the hydraulic...pipes on the front loader...were frozen !!....thankfully the tractor started up...she can be a little temperamental in this extreme cold weather.......I had water to do for the big I needed the tractor to take it down to the field for Haggis and Dougal.....on the front loader.......then it was my down the lay down some......extra case I need to get out !!

I took a photo of the the shed......looking like they be out !! chance !!

So again the alpacas have been indoors.......quite content !........meals on demand...warm cosy bed.....why would you want to go any further........ in this snow...getting your feet thanks !

We're sitting pretty !!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Little Black Bird.....Big Wood Pigeon !!

Top left...Big Wood Pigeon.....bottom right....little Black Bird !!
The wild life....helping them-selves to the rose-hips.....

The quite deep now.....view to the wood......

The girls........wanting back in !!

A lovely Beech Tree.....on the edge of the wood.......behind......the little now 4 years....old ..........

I was looking out of the window....this afternoon...and there outside sitting on the wild rose bush was a little Black Bird......!!

I thought Ah....the little Black Bird was helping the rose-hips....on the it was tucking into the hips......

There was a huge......flying Wood Pigeon..which also landed like a world war II bomber.....on the same shrub.....the Wood Pigeon was huge in comparison to the little Black Bird ......

They both tucked into the rose-hips and then the pigeon.....flew off.... I like to see the birds in the garden...and I always..leave the rose pruning till after the winter for this when the weather is bad the birds..rely on all the food they can find......I always put feed out for the we often have garden visitors.......

The girls were out for all of 5 turned them out......put hay out and the sky just turned black and then into snow.....they stood at the gate and demanded to be back I just opened the gate and in they ran.....I then collected up the hay....and they were happy to be inside....out of the snow !

There is no end to the snowing at the moment...we are forecast.......more snow over night on the East Coast of Scotland......and its minus 5 !!

No melt insight !!!...........

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

All Fed Up !! ......

The horses....tucking into a new bale of hay !!
An orderley....queue......please !!

Haggis is waiting patiently...for his new bale !!.......

The girls on their way out into the snow this morning......
It has been another......freezing cold day...with the odd sprinkle of snow.....for a change !
Tonight I am all fed up.......not literally !!......just in a matter of fact. Today I have spent all afternoon.......doing one job or another.....infact...I have had my 'Jill of all Trades'.....hat on !!
I have had the tractor out......clearing the track.....then it was a case of putting some hay out for the horses....and the tide them over for another few days......whilst the snow is on the ground. Apparently it is going to get much colder......great....its already been minus 5.5.

I got all my jobs tea-time......we had a walk down the track..with the dogs and for some reason.....I ended up at the post box !.....there's no way.....I was going to have any post !!

But it was a nice walk........the snow changes the landscape completely.....and I am really quite pleased with my track clearing.....snow-plough....even if I do say so myself. I just hope that we don't get any high winds or any more snow....that will just fill in the track. As it stands at the moment....its as good as I can get long as I can get out ....if I have to.....that's the overall cases of emergencies.........

The girls have been out today.....knee deep in snow......they were quite the whole could almost see the confusion on their faces.....then someone decided to move and they all followed.....had a little walk round then it was into the field shelter......and to the hay !!

As evening was time to form an orderly queue at the for supper then off to bed....for an early I am done for relaxing in front of the fire......its the only thing to do after..........another busy day .........maybe a snooze later !!!

Monday, 29 November 2010

I have been OUT !! ......Hail the Hyundai !!

On my way back from the shops......a country road...leading to where I live !! Shortly after this photo...the snow slipped off the roof....on my way back down the track..... home !!.....
More snow this morning....the girls....are inside......!

My morning walk....down the do a recky !!.......

Just before my quest to get to the shops........this afternoon.....

The crows......outside my window.....this morning !!

All hail the Hyundai !!......I have been out today....!!

We were brave and I was running out of bread and I was determined to brave the gauntlet of the track and see if I could get out.....mind you..the morning I woke up to...wasn't exactly ideal !!

We managed to get out onto the main roads...which weren't much better...than my track in places....but we got there and back in one piece.....I must say this little car really does impress me......we were united in our quest to get to the shops and back...safely.......and we did.....

So I have managed to stock up on the milk and bread...and one or two other hopefully we will survive, until the big thaw !!....I don;t know when that will be !!

Before I braved my escape, I was once again doing some track and snow clearance....just to give me a good chance of managing to get out......I have had no there's a surprise........I don't think the postman would be able to get along the there are a couple of little hills and unless you have a 4x4....I don't think you'd get up them....

The snow looks like its going to water is frozen just another jobs to do....on the list.......tonight I have.....drudged up the feed the birds....the snow is really deep.......up there....I don't think I would have got up there with the quad hopefully the birds and the wildlife are fed.....for the next couple of days....

When I looked out of my window this morning.....there were loads of Corby Crows...sitting on the fence and feeding outside the window.....well every thing needs a helping hand in this weather.......!!

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Battle to Get Out !!.....continues......

The tractor....with my home-made snow plough......its an 8ft strainer....chained on !!
View of the garden and the !!!!

This is the view...outside the kitchen window......I have moved the car...!!!!

YIPEE......we got out......onto the main road !!.......I like my Hyundai !!!!!!....its wrinkle free Rob !!

View up to the farm this morning..before the snow-ploughing.....began and the quest to get out !!

Another snowy day and the battle to get out is in full swing !!

Today...I have spent most of the day......either in the tractor....with my homemade snow plough attachment....on !

After several trips.....up and down the track......pushing away the snow....that seems to be falling just as quick as I can clear it......I decided that I should scrape away the snow that has formed on my car.......there was at least a foot on the roof...and took me ages to clear it...I thought I'd better start it up just to make sure and to give the engine a chance to warm up. Then after last year...I was blocked in for 5 weeks...and a huge wave of snow built up in front of the car and it took me ages to get out....I thought I'd move prevent that happening again.....after I moved the car...I thought....should I give it a see if I could get out onto the road....I decided to go for it and see if I could get out and back with the car.

Now for some who have posh cars....I myself have a little 4x4 Hyundai...and it has served me very well indeed.....I actually like my car !!!!......and after todays performance...I like it even more......I have some decent tyres on it and they do make a did have just road tyres on...but it now has.....'town n country' ones on......and in weather like this they get a much better grip !!

I have actually contemplated getting some snow chains....just for days like get me .....out of the track....and onto the main roads......I'm still thinking about that....but with this wish you had some......

So just for the record.....more snow....more...snow ploughing....and strangely enough...I feel just like I did.....earlier......on in the year.....waging a an attempt to be able to get out !

I just didn't think it would be so soon !!!!!

Thankfully the animals are well.....and have spent the day inside.....the snow is so deep I can't get the gates open...and even if I did......there's nothing for them to eat...under all that snow !!
We will battle on !!!!!!!!!!!