I just thought that I'd update you on the haymaking experience ....
Well, its Sunday afternoon and the 10 acre field was cut on Thursday night. It has been turned once yesterday and today, the weather is as usual unpredictable to say the least ! The hay crop of this field is not really mine, it has been taken by a farmer friend who also keeps a flock of sheep, after the hay is cropped the sheep will be coming over to graze the fields, before the winter sets in.
Nevertheless, I have been helping to turn the field, the grass is now starting to look like the beginnings of nice hay. If the weather holds and says fine, then it should be a good crop.
I might have to take some of this myself, as the fields I'm keeping for myself are not as far on as usual, mind you I only taped off the horses from the hill at the beginning of June. I like to use this hay for the alpacas, as it is fine and has lots of clover in it. I am hoping to have about 65 round bales of hay for the winter, so depending on what I get, will depend on....how much extra I will need. I usually carry through about 10 bales from the previous year, but the harsh winter put pay to that !!
I'm hoping to start my fields next week...weather pending, this has been a trial run...for me !
It will be nice to see it all baled up and standing in the fields.....a good job done ! for another year....but at the moment...we are just dreaming of that !!
So here are a couple of photos...of the pending hay fields.....and just look at those clouds...a little sprinkle of rain....but nothing..disasterous....lets hope it stays that way !!
Hiya Jayne, You are getting there with the hay. The forecast is fairly good for a day or two so that should help. Don't work too hard! Shirley & Robbie
Way cool that you grow your own hay! Our pastures are too weedy to make good hay.
What kind of cattle are those?
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