Tuesday, 28 September 2010

A New Hat...for the Mad Hatter !!

Me and My Hat !!
The Boys.....

New Wellies....!!

My new hat and the Girls.....made with all the colours here at Zanzibah !!

By popular demand....I have given in and tonight I have posted a new picture..of Me and My Hat !! ....my new hat to be precise.

So what to do on a miserable damp day....knit another hat...I have been promising myself a new hat for ages..I usually wear a man-made...one....how dare I ..I hear you say..!!! so today this has been rectified.

I collected up all may spare bits and pieces of wool, I had from left over knitting...well if you didn't guess by now..I pride my self..on my 'Fine 'n' Fancy multi coloured herd...that is what we are all about here in Zanzibah Land !!

So I had to have a hat to fit the bill......obviously multi coloured...with all my alpacas in it with me, to wear with pride....as you do !! we all have a favourite hat...I dare you not to.

So this is the result and apparently there is some 'cool chick' modelling it.....well that is said by Barbara at Beckbrow.....not me ! If I was to label myself...something..more like..an 'ageing old hen'...springs to mind...but I shall let you decide on that one !!

Oh..and to round off the new look....I managed to find myself some new wellies....now some regular readers will recall....my old ones I was hanging onto...through-out last winter..I even tried to repair them.....mind you I had them over 7 years, so I can't complain...I will have to throw them out...now, yes I still have them in the welly box.....!!

As I have taken delivery of my new ones...today....we had a little test wear..round the house and in the garden before the big initiation ceremony...into the depths of mud !!! outside !!

So I thought that you might also like to see them......OH !! ..lovely I hear you cry !!

Well...I like them...and its only taken me...about....10 months..to find the right ones....

I shall go out tonight.....looking swell in my new hat and wellies.....no doubt I shall be stared at by the locals.....and the alpacas....

But ..well we don't mind setting the fashion trend up here !!!


Sunday, 26 September 2010

Knitware and Naps !!

'Surf Board' hat 'n'scarf....a blend of Zanubis and Zeuss..
A little bee...busy in the garden....

The younger boys...enjoying the autumn sun, (L to R) Zanubis, Zeuss, Zerquo

My latest...design..... 100% hand crafted !

As I have just finished my recent knitting task, I thought I would take a couple of photos...just to share the experience....with you !!

It is a lovely Sunday afternoon here..the sun is shining and the animals are making the most of it. I have knitted this hat and scarf using Zanubis(Rose Grey) and Zeuss(White). This hat and scarf is a new design I have made up !! I call it my 'Surf Board' collection, plenty of street cred there ...me thinks !!
My knitwear range is I guess you could say...'Limited Edition' as I only make a small selection of items. I also like to make each one different, so they are quite unique.

It is a unisex hat....so if you are struggling with your gender preference..it makes an ideal gift. (Only joking on the last sentence !!).....I have modelled it, but I will save you from the repeat pleasure, I really must find a new cast..to show off my latest collection.

Anyway, the boys who have donated their fleece were snoozing and I thought that this photo opportunity could not be missed. I still get a great feeling of satisfaction when I look at the animals who have provided this luxurious fleece.....and then take a look at the finished product...there is something quite magical about the whole experience.....satisfaction all round, you really can't beat it !!

I'm sure the next......idea will be festering away..its only a matter of time before it comes to fruition.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Contentment is the Secret of Life !!

The boys .....
What a beautiful Day .......

The girls.....

Zonda....snoozing in the conservatory !!....

Wise words....indeed !!

This is a very short blog..but basically a picture...tells a thousand words...and well the secret of life....is Contentment.....in this ever changing universe !!

If you have this....then you have the ability to adapt to your ever changing world !!

Change happens.........contentment comes from within, you just gota find it !! Some find it easy and others...spend their life looking.....!!

Appreciation of what you have.....brings what you want .....

Friday, 17 September 2010

Unusual Garden Visitor !

I couldn't believe it.....just outside the window !

By chance I happened to look out of the window this evening around 6pm. I couldn't believe what was in the garden about 3 ft off the ground. Perched on the Fir Tree...it was a Pied Woodpecker...

I have seen them up the wood before, in fact I feed them there. Sometimes they visit the garden but never this low.....! It was looking around for food. It then flew over to an old strainer in the fence and proceeded to have a look there for some tea !

I decided to get my camera out and take a couple of photos, there not that good but I think you can see its a Woodpecker ! After I took a couple of photos...I went into the kitchen to get a string of Peanuts/Fat balls which I had bought the other day....so I have placed this in the Fir tree...just in case ...it returns.

Thankfully, the cat was snoozing in the conservatory at the time ....Phew !!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Packed to the Rafters....75 In.... 3 Out !! ....Yehah !!

This morning......
What a view......jobs...a 'Goodin' !

Done and dusted.......packed to the rafters...75 in....3 out !!

Knockie...Nora's done a good job !....bale spike can go away....till next year !!...YEHAH !!!

Thomas....a taste test required !....'All this for me' !!.....

Yesterday was a busy day....most of the day was taken up by bringing the rest of the hay in the barn.

I was determined to get as many in as possible...its a large barn...but why, no matter how big...its never big enough...this barn has to do several jobs....It has to house the alpacas over the winter when the weather is bad, it has to store as much as I can fit in to a section of the barn...I have it arranged quite well I think. I leave a walk way..between the bales to where I house the alpacas...then the other side is kept for the horses to come in and shelter.

My tractor driving skills were put to the test....as the barn is filled up, there is less and less room for maneuvering...but us lady drivers...are..really quite skilled...well I have to blow my own trumpet...once in a while !.....I managed...not to hit any of the rafters...;-0)..usually one gets tickled..during this...operation !...this is the best the barn has ever been stacked....even though I do say so myself !! I am really quite proud...of it ! Now to normal people...they won't understand...but I know..there are people like minded .....who do !!

The horses have..been pinching the hay already...so I have taken steps to stop them..eating it. They have a nasty habit of eating the bottoms out of the bales...and then they topple off.....any way...they're not getting any until later....so a taste is all...they're getting !!

I'm having a day off.......because I've got my huge task completed...and I'm chuffed to bits.....the weather can do what it likes now......I don't care....

I might even treat myself to some....spinning therapy !!.....as a treat !!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Winter Prep !!...all hot 'n' bothered !!...

Must be nice.....lazing in the sun-shine !!......
The barn preperation......all mucked out !! ...waiting for the hay !!

One side is full.....just the other side.....and the job's a goodin !!

We have been a little busy..over the past couple of days..to say the least !

Regular readers will know that I got 78 large round bales of Hay !!...and this now needs to be brought inside for the winter. So the quest to move the bales..has started.

I have got 28 in and...just another..........50 to go !! One side of the barn is full and the other is now empty and waiting for the rest.

I usually keep an area for the alpacas to be brought in if the weather is nasty. This area needed to be mucked out. I have been also using the extra space to bring the younger boys over night, just so that there is no concern from bullying from the older boys. So I also had this extra area to muck out. This is the place where the rest of the hay bales will be stored over winter. So, before I started...I had to muck out this area. The building is now all clear and drying out, in preparation for the hay.
I have been 'all hot 'n' bothered..mucking out the last bits.....the tractor does most of the work, space can be a bit tight...but we manage.

I have quite enjoyed myself......conquering the task list.....the hay has been pleasurable to bring in....I always get a nice satisfied feeling when the barn is full and ready for the coming winter.

We have had a bit of rain here overnight hence..the building was on the agenda...and not the hay carting. Weather/land depending...maybe tomorrow I will carry on....but if the land is too wet, it might take an extra day or two....before I can bring any more in.

So the winter preparation has started......I think I might have to move into the other building..for hay storage..as I don't think I'll fit them all in...but I shall do my best. Not to mention...the straw to find....home for..!!


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Visitors from America !!

Mona, Jane and Patti....with the alpacas....
Mona...went to see Haggis.....

Mona and Patti....went for a walk to see Haggis.....

Here at Zanzibah Alpacas...we have had visitors from America. Three lovely ladies who came to see the alpacas. They have been in Scotland researching some family history, while they were here it was a surprise for Mona to come and visit the alpacas, her cousin Jane (from Hastings) had arranged it, only the piper to find now...and the list is complete !!

Mona has llamas and a number of animals in America including 2 alpacas, she uses her animals to interact with children who have special needs. You can visit her webpage at www.monasark.org . Unfortunately the weather was not that good and it was quite wintry. Thankfully I had brought the alpacas in...so they could get up close and personal with them.

Obviously we discussed...knitting, felting and the latest knit-ware was inspected. Neither of the ladies had ever seen a Highland Cow...in Scotland and they were amazed at Haggis and Dougal....a photo opportunity was required, to record the moment.

The T-shirts the ladies are wearing were designed by one of the children who attend Mona's therapy classes ...........quite appropriate for the day.

We retreated into the house as the wind and rain began to fall. My friend Anna came round to play the domestic goddess....and we had lashings of tea....and cakes......and soup...I must confess....from the local supermarket....!!

Jane, Mona and Patti are now on their way to Braemar for the evening...then back down south and I believe that they travel back to the US at the weekend, after their whirlwind...tour. Just that elusive piper to find....for Monica..

All in all a lovely afternoon.....its always nice to spend....quality time with nice people.....who also enjoy seeing the animals...

Safe journey home !!

I'm now off out to do the nigh-time jobs are the weather is awful....and yes..you've guessed it..the alpacas....are coming in to bed !!
Its not fit for man nor beast out there.....waterproof's required .... I think !!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Stop Press.....CORRECTION !!

Duke when he arrived in April.....
Duke at Barnacre Alpacas in Northumberland

Some regular readers will remember..before the hay making extravaganza !

I sent my cria samples off to be tested for this year ..... and I couldn't help thinking...there was one that had to be wrong !

I also sent off Barnacre Duke's sample...now I don;t know what happened, but his sample came back...as around 25 microns....this I found hard to believe, I had the suspicion that it must be wrong. He has fantastic bloodlines and his father is the renowned Bozedown Viscount...... Son of Jolimont Conquistador ......Say no more !

I had four samples....one grey, one black, and two white, I couldn't help thinking that they had gotten mixed up. However, I put each fleece in the sample bags and labelled them myself !

Anyway...to cut a long story short....as this way playing on my mind...I decided that there was only one thing for it....another sample....to be tested. It would not be completely accurate as I took it after the fleece had been shorn, so it might be from the wrong area...never the less. It would put my mind to rest....and it has.

So the new....more accurate sample has arrived...and reads as follows......

Mean 18.2 ...... SD 4.4 ....... CV 23.9% ......... Comfort Factor 98.6%

That is more like it....I know that Debbie will be very interested in this.....hence the correction.......

Yesterday..I put the hay turner...(the flicky flicky thing) away...to bed for another year. It will get a good service...by me...! ok...points greased..that need to be....so we are tidy in the shed for another year.....I have put on the rear bale spike and have been rowing up the bales....in two of the fields today, ready for removal into the barn in a week or so......

Just in case the weather turns...and I don't have to tramp across the fields to collect them.

So we are getting ready for the winter, next jobs..on the agenda is the mucking out of the barn, before the bales come in.....another job crossed off the list.....

Why does this list never.....end ! The minute you get one..job complete....there's another one round the corner !

Friday, 3 September 2010

Wey...Hay !!

Last night there was a monster in the field !!......
It's behind you !!............

This is the view....I woke up to this morning......made me smile !!....phew !

Ok...so I'm not going to milk it too much...but I woke up this morning...feeling happy..and I looked out of the window...and saw...bales of hay.....

Wey....Hay.....78 round bale to be precise....I was actually...very pleasantly surprised at the quantity...I was worried that I would not have enough..as the grass seemed to take ages this year..to get a spurt on...and I had only taped off the hill from the big animals....from the 1st week in June..which was much later than I wanted to..but because of the slow growing..there was not enough....to restrict them on the bottom...field....any earlier !

I was chuffed to bits when I asked the contractor...how many bales ? I was....thinking..well if I got 50...I could always buy some in...then I thought if I could get..in the 60's...I would just try and make do....but when the result was 78....I thought.....YIPPEE....I might even have some spare !!..winter depending ....

Last night when the contractor was baling up the 6acre field all the alpacas....huddled up together...as there was a giant in the field....they were grouped together.....safety in numbers !

I have checked the hay tonight when I went for a walk..with the dogs and it looks good. There will be a couple of bales no doubt that will not be that good as there was areas of wet ground in the field, but with the quantity I have, I can afford to write one or two off !!

I have had a day off today...as promised....a little retail therapy......well, I think I deserve it !!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Eureka !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....Bales of Hay !!!!!!!!!

Just ...feast your eyes...on that !!.....
Yippee .............we have made it !!!!!!!

Its all go...up here....and the hay quest....is nearly....over, for 2010....anyway !!

One word..that describes it here...tonight...!! Eureka !!

Against the odds...I have managed to actually see bales of hay this evening...as I type the contractor is rattling around..baling up the hill....he will then move onto...the 3 acre and hopefully the 6 will get baled up tonight !!

So....what a performance !!....this hay-making lark....its..on its..off...I need a rest after this bit of excitement !!.....no haylage this year..then...and obviously....I can't wait till next years..hay-making experience !!

I wonder if there will be a padded cell or even an empty...room in the local....asylum !! by then..I might even...have retired completely...and become that 'foot-ballers wife' or even a lady who lunches !!.....so watch this space....you never know..there might be a vacancy for that sort of thing....

So....Yippee !!....I have hay....I can't believe it..and the weather at the start of the day..well it was questionable....if it would ever happen....

Just take a look at the photos .....what do you think !!

Viva....Zanzibahland...........we have hay !!

I'm now going to retire...on to my yacht...in the Mediterranean.....somewhere !!

What a job.....but its.....done !!


I Don't Believe It !!

The girls this morning !!
This is not.....blazing sunshine !!

The Cob-Web's on the hedge !!

I shall let you make your own mind up !!...if I will get my hay baled today !

This is what the day looks like at about 8am !!

At this rate .... I will turn into Victor Meldrue !!

I will keep you posted....we were forecast....blazing sunshine.....according to the Internet !!


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Not.....Today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well....this is a quick blog....more to put you out of my misery !!....sorry Rob....not today !!

As I type I still have no hay !!....I woke up this morning to a dull...damp..dreary....day !

We were rowed up...and ready..until..the weather..decided not today ! So the contractor came to have a look and it was just too damp with the dew....and yes you've guessed it....

Tomorrow !!....the forecast is sunnier..and I'm hoping...that it is..accurate....

I will be busy..re-rowing up the fields..I have done...to fluff it back up.....to allow the air through...and move it...I want..a fine...sunny day to just...get those elusive bales of hay...

When I eventually get them....I shall be taking some photos..to record the.....very...emotional roller-coaster....of this years...quest to get the hay in !

Apparently everything...comes to he who waits....I'm still waiting !

Oh..yes..I forgot to mention....I found my hay tyne....in the 3 acre field yesterday evening..whilst rattling around....rowing..up !!