Friday 13 April 2012

Wrong side of the fence !

Stravinsky & Sparky in the wrong field having a great !



In hot persuit..... Niggy & Norka....

This morning as I turned the alpacas out into their new paddock....just as three ran into their right field..the wind blew and the gate closed behind them....the other three, namely Strav, Sparks and Hamish continued running and ended up on the wrong side of the fence..into the 10 acre field...spirits were high and they ran round and pronked about, there was no chance of me getting them into their proper field...I did try several times..but no chance !

The boys spent the day in the field with the digger.

I went to see how things were progressing and the boys were having a whale of a time...chasing the dogs and creeping up on us....then running away again.

However tonight all of them were standing at the top of the field...waiting to come in for bed...tomorrow I'm off to tie a bit of string on the gate to stop this happening again....hindsight is a marvellous thing....

The piggies are just fab, Norka gets so excited to see you...he jumped over the hurdle this morning....and I had to try and get him back on the right side for his breakfast !

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