For those who may be interested.....we survived the storms and the gales !
I woke to a much quieter morning, when I went to check everyone, thankfully we had survived with minimal damage......a few loose slates off the old steading roof....but we came off lightly !
The buildings had a good test, and we must have done something right...as all was present and correct.....I must admit, I was worried, as this was the first big test of the winter, we do tend to get battered by really strong winds at this time of year.....I'm just pleased we all managed to get through the night.
We have had a bit of a melt of the snow.....which had fallen the other day, but we have had a little bit more snow, so we still have a dusting, tonight the land is frozen along with some of the water troughs.
Ruby has been employed again doing more bale moving, I had to bring a haylage bale in for the horses this afternoon, and also move another straw bale. I've had a bit of a carry on, yesterday.....I shall put it down to having a blonde moment ! I was checking the levels on Ruby, to make sure all was topped up.....I'm not very familiar with her ! I managed to loosen off....a nob that I shouldn't have....and all the hydraulic oil spurted out ...what a mess....then I lost the rear lift, due to the lack of oil....I then spent ages....filling her back up....only to realise, that I had used the wrong oil.....(slightly too thick )....and still the lift was not working...thankfully the front loader was not affected....!!(Phew) A quick phone call to the Siromer dealer....speaking to a very nice helpful man.....who told me...that all I had done was over tighten the nob.....(the one I won't be rushing to loosen off again soon !!) a couple of turns......back to loosen it off...and everything was working as it should !.......apparently if you screw that nob tightly.....it diverts the hydraulic oil....to a trailer, if you are towing one.....
Its easy when you know how !
Oh....today hasn't been much better, I have spent most of the afternoon......under one machine
or another, I had a wheel to put back on the little Kubota..as it had a puncture, and had been away for a repair, my Dad took it off......but I was left to put it back on ! Why do you have days like these....I kept saying to myself.....what doesn't kill you makes you stronger !!!!!
I have struggled......cursed, nearly chopped my finger off.....!! on the big fan on Daisy !! after doing some minor and major...adjustments ! I have survived to tell the tale.....I have nearly tripped myself up...on the sleeve of my overall....as I was getting too hot wrestling with the wheel.....I took the top of my overall off....and then I was attacked by my sleeve.....!!!!
Oh.....what a day...!!
I have ended on a positive note !! I have accomplished...all I was hoping to do today....with a bit of ......determination...that seems to appear...every time I have another hurdle to jump....in this never ending experience....you call life !!
And.......lets face it....you just never know, what life is going to throw at you.....from one day to the next !
Today.....I have struggled......achieved....and once again.... I live to tell the tale !
I wonder....what tomorrow.........has in store !
One thing for sure.................. this life definitely has a way of testing you to the limits....and as my Mam would say............'Its a great life....if you don't weaken !'
Glad you survived the winds, good for you! Any idea how to replace a break cable on a tractor?!
The cold makes everything harder. Hang in there, Jayne. Spring will come again.
Yep, it's been a rough old week - glad you survived the weather and the oil spill! Stay warm. Shirley & Robbie
What weather!
Hope it has all quietened down a bit now - we keep imagining the speed wind turbines would be going at near Forgie (if you see what I mean!!!)!!!
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