It has been a while since I last blogged.....I have replaced my battery on my computer....as it gave up the ghost !!....
Now I am back.....what a night....we are currently being battered by 80mph gales...the whole of Scotland has a severe weather warning in place...according to the news......then to round it all off...we are forecast blizzards ......gggrrreeaat !!
It has already snowed last week....I have had Ruby out doing a spot of work, shifting bales of hay and straw. At the moment I have some sheep here doing a bit of winter grazing, but due to the snow...I have been putting some hay out for them.
The alpacas have been mostly inside due to the bad weather and the wind....mind you I don;t think that there are any complaints.....when it is really windy, I can't open the big barn doors...and that combined with the snow.....its not fit for man nor beast out there at the moment !
I was quite surprised last week just how deep the snow was on the track, I have however managed to get out to the shops.
The country roads were completely white, mind you I haven't resorted to the snow chains....just yet !
I've already had the quad stuck......up the track to the wood....but I managed to get it out and walk the rest of the way.....I feed the birds during winter time up the wood and sometimes take the quad up instead of wallking !!
Tonight....I have locked up early.....I am hoping all is well when the morning comes......and its not a case of anything being blown away.
The wind is supposed to die down later tonight.....then the blizzards are due.
Zorba appears to be back to normal after his ordeal, the homeopathy worked a treat to bring the swelling down and things seem to be working as normal......which is excellent news.
Just goes to show...no matter how well you look after your animals....things still come along to catch you out.....its still a complete mystery as to what happened.
Gosh, didn't realise you had so much snow...at least we only have the gales...and rain (not sure that snow might be better!)...glad Ruby is making life a bit easier.
Glad that Zorba is better - you don't need health problems while you are battling the weather. Hope the winds haven't done you any damage.
The wind is bad here so I dread to think what its like with you, keep safe!
The caravan is safely shut in the shed this time!!!
Good grief! We have strong breezes and that is all - what a different around 600 miles makes!
That sounds like terrible weather. I hate the wind even more than snow, even more than cold. But all 3 together is too much! We had bitter cold a few nights ago - down to 6 below 0 (F), but we are having a lovely warm up. I hope you get a lovely warm up too.
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