The blog has been a little silent last week as we had a little emergency to say the least, my last post was about my Dogue de Bordeaux...Zonda...who was, we thought off colour, off her food and has had a horrible look about her for about 7 days....she has just had a horrible week .....!
Thankfully I decided that if she had not picked up, we were going to the after our walk on Wednesday, I decided that, you know when you get that gut feeling that something horrible is happening, but you don't always know what the problem is. We were very worried, but just couldn't put your finger on the reason.
So we went to the vets on Wednesday night, Zonda by this time had a awful look about her, I asked the vets to check her bloods and this was done asap.
The results came back, very poor, she had a raging infection, double the normal white blood cells and her HMG was also double....the vets were really concerned about her and she had a large shot of antibiotics, she had to come back in the morning to be scanned, to check for any foreign bodies or problems with her uterus !
This was done, her temperature had came down overnight and she appeared a little happier.
However, when she was scanned it was found that she had a condition called 'closed pyometra'. This is a life threatening condition and she had to be operated on immediately, there was no option, other that to have her spayed.
Zonda is now at home after spending a night on a drip at the vets and her operation was successful, however we are not out of the woods just yet. We collected her on Friday from the vets, but by 10.30pm we were back at the vets, her wound was bleeding and appears to be still seeping. We were told to expect some drainage but, Im still very concerned, I think I will be speaking the the vets first thing Monday morning, if it is still posing a problem.
We have been very lucky with Zonda, it just goes to show you can't be too careful, especially when you just get that feeling....something is not right, we have been told by out vets that Zonda did not have long to live and she could have died through a ruptured uterus at any time !.....hopefully we have been lucky....Moral of this story....don't put off if you think something is wrong, usually you are right, as most of us know our animals !!
She looks like she is enjoying the fire! Smudge one of our cats will fight you for the best spot in front of the fire.
Hope Zonda is feeling better and the weeping stops.
Well done Jayne, following your instincts.......always good.
Hope Zonda recovers well.
Thanks Guys....for your kind wishes, I am chief nurse at the moment, so hopefully we are over the worst !
I'll keep you posted, Zonda is finding her appetite, always a good sign !.....Jayne
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