Just a quick up date regarding Zaninni, he is still recovering after his injury. Although things appear to be healing well, but it will take time, there is still a lot of swelling.
We still have him on anti-inflammatory's and he is a lot happier with himself.
We are still fully fleeced up here in Scotland, awaiting the shearer to come and visit us, so here are a few photos just to remind all you out there what a 'hairy alpaca' looks like, for all those sleek sheared ones !!
However owing to the change in the weather, I think that the fleece is quite handy on those colder nights.
We did have a lovely hot weekend last week, so I decided to put the paddling pools out for the alpacas, now last year you could not keep them out, however this year I think that they had forgotten what to do with them, as you will see with the pictures, not quite got the hang of it.
Never mind it managed to entertain them for a while !!
Ours are very fluffy too. Just as well, it's freezing!
I know....wheres the summer gone !!
Give us a shout when James is coming!!!!
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