Its hard to believe that this is the second month of the year already....
February has come in with a frosty feel...its really cold here at the moment and the ground is rock hard.
The alpacas are all in good spirits and are enjoying the cold snap, no mud to plodge through, we are forecast snow over the weekend...
Today I have been sorting out the hay for the cows, yesterday I spent the afternoon checking the tractor levels, mending the door on the tractor, the spring had broken and it wouldn't stay shut.....I have repaired it once before a couple of years ago.....so thankfully I managed to fix it again with a new spring !
I filled up all the bird feeders in preparation for the pending snow, we are now approaching the 2 week mark for the weaning, the babies are all doing fine, they all have the bed-time routine off and are waiting at the gate to come in at dusk.....its just great to have them friendly and also it gives me a helping hand when the alpacas are waiting to come in for bed...
I have also had a bit of a rummage through some fleece this afternoon....I really must decide what I'm going to do with my stash...this year !
I just can't make up my mind at the moment...but all in good time, the nights are definitely getting much lighter which is great as I have a bit more time to do all the things.....I have to do !
Obviously.........I need the extra time for bed-time .....cuddles..... with the babies...and any one else who happens to be near by !!
Cold with snow - a perfect time to go through your fleece and plan projects.
It has just started snowing here. We are expecting a blizzard with 24" of snow. Yuck.
I've also spent this afternoon in the (very cold) sun rummaging through fleeces and afterwards I was covered from head to foot in dust and fibre. I enjoyed it though!
Yep, pretty cold everywhere just now but at least we can all get jobs done around the place - apart from digging! Do you do MOTs as well as running repairs Jayne?! Keep warm. Shirley & Robbie
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