This is the view, I woke up to this morning !
I was surprised to say the least....and there was me thinking that the snow was going away !
No....suree.....not was actually getting worse...blizzards on and off all morning. There was a brief rest bite and I decided to turn the girls and older boys out for a couple of hours....I left the younger ones they were nice and cosy in the barn.
Tonight, the wind has picked up, we are forecast yet again more snow and I have battened down the hatches....we are all tucked up nice and cosy....the fire is on and the we are sitting it out....who knows what I will get up to tomorrow.
Some good news....I managed to thaw the water pipes yesterday to the house....with a couple of kettle fulls of boiling if nothing else...I have a full water tank !....I'm thankful for small mercies....
The only ones....'sitting it out' are the Moo Coows.....Haggis and Dougal....mind you they have had a nice tea and....those boys are happy being outside....full tummies and no doubt they also will 'sit it out' ! with their massive fury coats....they are made for this sort of they do not loose their body heat....and are well thermally insulated !..
I'll be needing....snow chains at this never know I might even wake up to a heat wave !! chance !! of that one.
Glad you have got water now. We have been watching the forecast. Les and I both said, "Oh no, poor Jayne".
Keep safe up there, let us know how it goes.
Jayne your photos are absolutely stunning but I don't know how you cope with trying to farm in it.
Neither do I,...more trying than anything else !!...very trying..Im just about hanging on to the thought of SPRING !!!SOON !!!.....Jayne
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