The boys and the barn, its the best place in this weather.
We have had more snow !!! .......there's a surprise.
So this morning when I took the dogs for a walk down the track...the snow was starting to get deep the same spot as last time. Regular readers will remember that I was blocked in for one month in January....I was determined not to let this happen again.
So after my morning chores...I decided to crank the tractor into life, I donned my make shift snow plough, well not really....its a fence strainer....chained onto the front loader of the tractor. So off I trotted down to where the snow was deep....just to make a road in and out. I use the strainer to push out the snow away that collects in the middle of the track. To stop it getting too deep.
Incidentally it has snowed all day, mind you its the wet sort of snow...but still snow. I hope that it doesn't freeze.
I even managed to take the camera with me to record the moment.....I found a nearby fence post and set the timer. I know I look usual...more like a Telly Tubby ! my overall.....its about 20 sizes too big !.....but it does the job.
By the time I was finished I was soaked right through. Thankfully I have another one to put on tonight for my night-time chores......
So that's been my day, with the snow, it will all be gone one day and I will look back on it with fondness...........Mmmm. She said.
Where there's a will there's a way as they say....well done you!
Good on ya! It's very deep here too, snowing all day. We were hoping to come and see you soon too!!!! (if that's ok?)
The boys look really cosy in the barn. One day we will have one, just got to make do with the swimming pool and moat for now.
Necissity is the mother of invention they say - good job you are so resourceful, especially listening to todays weather!!!!!
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