We have been pottering round as usual, the alpacas are fine and the babies are growing up nicely, the Nick Nacks are starting to mature into very handsome Machos, only to be expected coming from the prestigious Wellground Alpaca Stud !
Its very amusing just how the babies grow up...from being extra cute bundles of fleece, going through the gorky adolescent stage eventually into beautiful sleek graceful adult alpacas...most of the youngsters are in different stages, often the ugly ones...are the most beautiful when fully mature....we all remember the 'Ugly Duckling Syndrome' at one stage or another !!
The adult boys spend most of their time grazing, we have had a few really cold frozen days when the ground is rock solid....its better than the mud, but the downside of things is if its too cold...then the water freezes !
The other morning, I turned the girls out as usual and after a thaw there was a puddle which some of the youngsters just love, Zimushka loves the water she was quickly joined by Zullulah.....who was determined to sit in the puddle, despite the freezing temperatures....
After a bit of a sit and squabble.....they ran off to join the others on their way into their field.
I have been mucking out the boys barn this week, I tend to deep litter the animals through the winter, but they still get mucked out or the litter would just be too deep by the end of the winter.
The haylage is doing well...its the best decision I made last summer...it has turned out to be fantastic, everyone loves it. I have about 52 bales left at the moment, so I should have plenty to see me through this winter. I still have about 36 bales of hay also, I'm feeding the hay to the cows for the moment. We have only had a little bit of snow up to now so there is plenty to go around...
Tara Palmer Tompkinson..never fails to amaze me.....she is always...where she shouldn't be !
That is quite a large herd you have! The puddle play is too cute.
Didn't realise you had an outdoor swimming pool at Zanzibahland! Shirley & Robbie
Glad to hear that you are having some time to 'potter' and enjoy.
I too love watching the boys mature (they change much more than the girls don't they). I remember when we named our Explorer as Gorgeous, we were being ironic and now he actually is!!
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